Tuesday, September 28, 2021


"I found out I was in love with you, winter before last," she said. "I wasn't going to say anything about it because - well, you know. If you felt anything like that for me, you'd have known I did. But it wasn't both of us. So there was no good in it. But then, when you told us you're leaving... At first I thought, all the more reason to say nothing. But then I thought, that wouldn't be fair. To me, partly. Love has a right to be spoken. And you have a right to know that somebody loves you. That somebody has loved you, could love you. We all need to know that. Maybe it's what we need most."

— A Fisherman of the Inland Sea, Ursula K. Le Guin


SL said...

"Love has a right to be spoken". Yes, that is true.

Bulletholes said...

I love you Susan!

SL said...

Love you too Bullet Holes!