Thursday, March 05, 2009

MARCH 4, 1836

When I was a boy I loved to read the Biography's from the library. I guess it was about the 4th Grade that I discovered them and I ate 'em up.
Everyone from Galileo to Daniel Boone to Abraham Lincoln and Louis Pasteur.
Of course, being a good southern boy I was especially partial to folks like Robert E Lee
and Stonewall Jackson.
Furthermore, being an enlightened southern boy I also liked the stories of George Washington Carver and Frederick Douglas.
But when it came to being an enlightened southern boy from Texas, well, it just stands to reason that the stories of Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie at the Alamo were very dear to my heart.

And 'ol Sam Houston, who whupped Santa Anna at San Jacinto and went on to become the president of the Republic of Texas, he was my favorite. He had come from Tennessee having been raised by Cherokee Indians.
While Governor of Tenessee he kills a General in a pistol duel.
As a Representative of the Cherokee Nation he appears before Congress in Indian dress, including colorful Balnkets and beads, for which he is reprimanded.
I liked that when I was a boy.
I like it even more now.

In 1830 he beats a Congressman with a cane in front of the White House for disparaging remarks the congressman made.
Andrew Jackson sends him to Texas and in 1835 and Houston aquires a Generals Uniform in New Orleans.
On March 2nd 1836 Texas declares independence from Mexico and on March 4th Houston becomes Commander-in -Cheif of the Texas Army.

The Alamo falls on March 6th with Houston in retreat. His courage and loyalty are questioned, but he stands firm saying he will "take no counsel but my own".
Then, At four o'clock p.m. on April 21st 1836, Houston's army of 800 attacks Santa Anna's 1400 man army, and in twenty minutes he wins the decisive Battle of San Jacinto. He loses only 6 killed and 13 wounded, while Santa Anna lost 630 killed and 208 wounded.

What Houston did was put lookouts in treetops, and when the Mexicans took their "Siesta" he ordered the attack. There is no mention of this in Wikipedia, but I happen to know it to be true on account I was there.

After Santa Anna was captured the men wanted to execute him, but Houston intervened...

“Texas, to be respected must be polite. Santa Anna living, can be of incalculable benefit to Texas; Santa Anna dead, would just be another dead Mexican.”

Texas, having won its its independence, elects Houston as the first President of the Republic of Texas. He serves only a few months before resigning.
Texas gains statehood in 1848? Someone look it up for me....
No, it was 1845.
In 1861 as Governor of Texas, he is again contrary to popular convention and advises that they should not seceed from the Union...
"You might win Independence from the North, but I doubt it...they are not a fiery people as you are, they come from cooler climes, but they move with a slow perseverence and deliberation...they intend to preserve this Union."
Texas seceeds and Houston is removed from office.

I like 'ol Sam Houston.

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