Alexander the Great watches Campaspe being painted by Appelles
They had Poetry Day down at my NA meeting a few weeks ago. There were five people there and I was the only one to actually bring a poem.
I shared "Appelle's Song" by John Lyle and "The Two Trees" by WB Yeats.
This has probably sealed my reputation as being a pretty strangecat.
Anyway, we have another Poetry Day coming up and Wild Horses couldn't keep me away.
I think I may want to liven it up a bit though....
Any suggestions?
Give them a blast of Dylan Thomas. You'll have to work on your Welsh accent to do it justice!
I`d suggest Hermann Hesse`s "Stufen". You find it at google`s. And please, in your good German pronunciation!
You are such a romantic! I can imagine some of the NA crowd might not be tuned into this sort of literature though. Just keep throwing it at them!
I love anything by Yeats!
Lily, i been looking at some Dylan Thomas poems the last hour and I gotta tell you I need some help...
Angela- Yes, we had fun with your poem this morning! i ran it through my Translator, and deecided that it sounds better when Ein spechen der poem in German.
Barb, I have printed off your poem from two years ago (Amazingly, to the day) titled 'Everyone was in Love"
Heres the link for anyone that would like to see it...I'll probably post it soon...
Why not write one yourself? Or is this a stupid thing to say? It is one of my defects: I try to do absolutely everything. The only thing I never tried is choreographing a ballet, or composing a symphony, but everything else... or an animated motion picture, but for the rest... okay, I haven't done everything, there you have it, but when something needs to be done, the first thought that enters my mind is: I'll do it myself. I'm sure you can write some badass poem.
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