Monday, March 03, 2025



The Supreme Court takes briefs today in a case which, in a very real way, will determine if the United States will remain a constitutional democratic republic or be converted to a unitary executive dictatorship.

This is not hyperbole. It’s really that simple.

The court will decide if the president, by his own discretion alone and in contradiction to the US Constitution and statutory law, can ignore court orders because he doesn’t like them. It will decide if the 248-year precedent of a constitutionally prescribed separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government will stand or be abandoned.

Here’s the situation. In one of his first executive orders last month, Trump illegally ordered the shuttering of USAID, an agency created by Congress and which, under law, only Congress can change or eliminate. Trump ordered all congressionally and contractually appropriated USAID funding to be halted. It literally ordered USAID to not pay $2 billion to contractors to whom the agency has legally binding contractual obligations. Again, that’s patently illegal under existing law and constitutional principle which gives Congress control of the purse, not the president.

A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order which demanded that the administration immediately reverse its action and release the funding. The administration ignored the court. On Tuesday, the judge ordered the administration back into court to explain why it hadn’t complied with the court’s orders. Trump administration lawyers could not or would not, instead floundering and bumbling through an embarrassing and comically inept attempt to provide a sensible legal argument. The judge then issued an “enforcement” order which required the administration to release the funds and honor the contracts by midnight last night.

The administration appealed the ruling but an appeals court rejected it and let the lower court’s ruling stand. That’s when Trump asked the Supreme Court to step in and, only three hours until the court-imposed deadline, Chief Justice John Roberts stayed the ruling and ordered attorneys to file briefs with the court by noon today.

You might think this is only about USAID but it’s much bigger than that. If the Supreme Court overturns the lower court ruling, it will have neutered Congress and the courts as co-equal branches of government. It will have established that presidents have the unilateral power to completely ignore laws passed by Congress, ignore rulings by the courts and ignore the constitution itself. If the court decides that convicted felon and dictator wannabe Donald Trump can seize the power of the budget appropriation from Congress for himself, then it will have invalidated one of the elemental pillars of the constitution and will have rendered the foundational document null and void.

In other words, it will have ended the US government as constituted and replaced it with a governing system in which all power is invested in a unitary executive. At that point, we will have a dictatorship, full stop.

Now, in a world in which the constitution means anything, the high court has no choice but to uphold the lower court ruling. But this is a Supreme Court which, just last year, invented from whole cloth an entirely new and radical concept in which presidents are immune from prosecution for crimes committed while performing an “official duty” of the office. This is a court whose ultra-far right majority literally accepted the argument that a president could order the Navy’s Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival and get away with it, so who knows what they’ll do here.

The phrase “constitutional crisis” is often bandied about frivolously but this is the real thing. Make no mistake. This is the whole ball of wax, folks.

Founding father Benjamin Franklin, when asked if the new nation of the United States would be a monarchy or a Republican, said, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Can we keep it? Will we? We are at the precipice of that question right now, right here.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Over the past 20 years or so many of us social observer types have been writing about the horrific chasms separating the educated class (people with college degrees) from the working class (people without).

Some of these chasms involve basic health outcomes. People without college degrees die about eight years sooner than people with four-year degrees.

Some of the chasms involve family structure. Women with only a high school diploma or less are about five times as likely to have children out of wedlock as women with a college degree.

Some of the chasms are sociological. People with only high school diplomas or less are much more likely to say they have no close friends. They are more likely to live in towns where social capital is collapsing and the young are fleeing.



Some of these chasms involve educational outcomes. By sixth grade, the children of poor families are performing four grade levels lower than the children of affluent families. As Daniel Markovits of Yale has pointed out, the education gap between affluent and non-affluent students today is greater than the gap between white and Black people in the era of Jim Crow.

If America elected a populist as president, you would expect him to devote his administration to addressing these inequities, to boosting the destinies of working-class Americans. But that’s not what President Trump is doing. He seems to have no plans to narrow the education chasms, no plans to narrow the health outcome chasms or the family structure chasms. He has basically no plans to revive the communities that have been decimated by postindustrialization.

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Why is that? The simplest answer is that Trump really seems not to give a crap about the working class. Trump is not a populist. He campaigns as a populist, but once he has power, he is the betrayer of populism.

What’s going on here is not a working-class revolt against the elites. All I see is one section of the educated elite going after another section of the educated elite. This is like a civil war in a fancy prep school in which the sleazy kids are going after the pretentious kids.

Look at who is running this administration. The president is an Ivy League-educated real estate developer. The vice president is an Ivy League-educated former venture capitalist. Elon Musk, the emperor of DOGE, is an Ivy League-educated billionaire.



Look at the people working with Musk. Luke Farritor is a 23-year-old who used artificial intelligence to decipher an ancient Greek scroll. Ethan Shaotran is a 22-year-old Harvard student. Gavin Kliger wrote a Substack post called “Why I Gave Up a Seven Figure Salary to Save America.” These people are not exactly Joe the Plumber.

And look at the programs they are going after. They’re not going after the programs where big budget savings can be realized — like the entitlement programs. They’re going after the programs where they think highly educated progressives work. They’re going after the foreign aid community, the scientific community, the NGO community, the universities, the Department of Education and the Kennedy Center.

They are seeking to destroy the wokesters (the word they use for highly educated progressives) and D.E.I. (the term they use for what highly educated progressives do).

In 2018 the organization More in Common released the “Hidden Tribes” survey. It found that two groups were driving American politics, which it called progressive activists and devoted conservatives. These groups are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but they have a lot in common. They are the richest of all the groups in the More in Common typology. They are the whitest of all the groups. They are among the best educated of all the groups. When I wrote a column about the bitter feud between these two elite groups, I headlined it “The Rich White Civil War.” That headline still accurately describes what we’re seeing.

How did we get in this mess?

Well, starting about 60 years ago, a group variously labeled the Bobos or the creative class began establishing hegemony over commanding institutions of American life — the universities, the media, the foundations, publishing and entertainment. There are two things you should know about this class. First, like most groups, its members dislike intellectual diversity and tend to impose a stifling progressive orthodoxy in the places they dominate. Second, more than most groups, they see themselves as the moral uplifters of society, on everything from environmental attitudes to sexual ethics, and enjoy preaching in order to enlighten their morally backward countrymen.



Progressives exercise hegemony over these institutions but not total control. Every year, for example, elite colleges admit a few conservative students. They often have one or two token conservatives on the faculty, whom they can roll out for panel discussions. These rare conservatives tend to form dissident communities with one another. In the 1980s there was The Dartmouth Review, which gave us Laura Ingraham and Dinesh D’Souza. Later, The Princeton Tory gave us Pete Hegseth. Today there is The Claremont Review of Books, one of the intellectual mouthpieces of Trumpism.

There is something about being a rare conservative in a sea of progressive insularity that tends to drive people crazy. I get it. When I worked at National Review and on the Wall Street Journal editorial page, some of my New York neighbors would give me the Hitler salute when I got on the elevator. It used to make me want to join the John Birch Society just to spite them.

The right-wing elite college dissidents often feel besieged, embattled. They are often both merry pranksters and also cranky, bitter and oppositional. They catastrophize. They look out on those hellscapes of Hanover, N.H.; Princeton, N.J.; and Claremont, Calif., and they decide Western civilization is in ruins. Above all else, they seek social revenge on those who condescend to them.

And here’s the crucial fact about many of them. Many of them are not pro-conservative; they are anti-left. There’s a big difference. They do not focus on building and reforming the civic institutions that conservatives believe are crucial to any healthy society. They focus on tearing down whatever institutions the left occupies.

Conservatives believe in constant and incremental change. Nihilists believe in sudden and chaotic disruption. Conservatism came into being opposing the arrogant radicalism of the French Revolution. The Trump people are basically the French revolutionaries in red hats — there are the same crude distinctions between good and evil, the same contempt for existing arrangements, the same descent into fanaticism, the same tendency to let the revolution devour its own.



You might say that progressives have it coming. The moment they began shutting conservative and working-class voices out of their institutions, they were inviting a backlash, and now here it is.

But here’s the problem: As F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote in “The Great Gatsby,” rich people are careless. They break things. The members of the Trumpist elite think they’re going after the educated elites at U.S.A.I.D. and the N.I.H., but you know who’s really going to pay the price? It’s the woman in Namibia who is going to die of AIDS because PEPFAR has been eviscerated. It’s the child in Ohio who’s going to die of cancer because medical research was slowed. It’s the future citizens of America whose lives will be worse because their state institutions no longer function. It’s the working-class communities that will continue to languish because Trump ignores their main challenges and focuses instead on culture war distractions.

Here’s the essence of Trumpism: It’s to be blithely unconcerned that people without a college degree die about eight years sooner or that hundreds of thousands of Africans might now die of AIDS but to go into paroxysms of moral panic because of who competes in a high school girls’ swim meet.

Sure, the upper reaches of the federal work force are generally left or center left, as you’d expect from a group that possesses a plenitude of advanced degrees. But they are also mostly nonpolitical patriots who often work 60-hour weeks to keep us safe, to save lives, to make America work. This is a complexity the Trumpists seem incapable of contemplating. They are people who would destroy your home because they don’t like your lawn sign.

I’m not a fan of populism, but real populism would be better than the right-wing elite nihilists who are running the country now.

Thursday, November 07, 2024


 "A fundamental principle of American democracy is that when we lose an election, we accept the results. That principle as much as any other distinguishes democracy from monarchy or tyranny, and anyone who seeks the public trust must honor it. At the same time in our nation, we owe loyalty not to a president or a party, but to the Constitution of the United States, and loyalty to our conscience and to our God. "

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Brief But Spectacular

My favorite was concerning the Jan 6 rioters who assaulted police officers:
Trump: "...if they're innocent I would pardon them"
Journalist: "They were convicted"

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"Everything I know I learned from a Cocktail Waitress"

When I was 16 I worked as a bar back at The Two Minnie's*, a hotel bar at the Ramada Inn. It had a stained glass ceiling with what can only be described as 1890's cheesecake girls depicted in the glass. Red velvet bustiers, black fishnets, period feathers and hats; bawdy poses, big bosom, and full pouty lips. Of course, this was also the uniform for the barmaid and cocktail waitresses at the Two Minnie's. They were older more experienced women, at least 19 or 20 years old, Junior Love Goddesses in my eyes. I could barely look them in the eye.
Anyway, they had this businessman in there one night talking big and getting pretty tight and they were playing him big time. It got close to closing time. It was just me, barmaid (who not only had the full bosom, but also the greatest thighs I've ever seen) and cocktail waitress now and he made his big move. Pulled out a $100 bill (big money in 72) and announced "OK boys and girls, you can split this between the three of you" and whispered his room number to the barmaid.
She smiled sweet, broke the bill, gave me 33 bucks and called security to escort him to his room. Slicker than snot!

*The Two Minnie's bar at the Ramada Inn was named after a saloon in Hells Half Acre, Fort Worths Red light District in the late 1800's.
Fine cushioned chairs, red velvet draperies and other gildery adorned the place. "Seldom did a cowboy off the street and uneducated in the offerings of the Two Minnie's ever get more than the first drink down their gullet before discovering another more enticing past time.
When they tossed that shot glass full of whiskey back against a trail-parched throat, their eyes would lock upon the glass ceiling that separated the first and second floors. At least 40 girls would be walking around upstairs, bare beamed and buck naked and playing ten pins."*
Believe it or not, in 1972 the Ramada on Beach street was one of the fancier hotels in Fort Worth. They hosted the Miss Texas pageant every year.


Friday, July 26, 2024

Uncle Steve

I dreamed I was workin in a Chinese Walmart one time. I was in charge of the duck pond. We had a big pond, ducks everywhere. People would come in, pick out a duck. I'd wrangle it out of the pond, snap its neck, gut trim and feather it, truss it up in a brown paper wrapper and send then to the checkout.
Busy busy busy, chop, chop!

I even had a Chinese name....Uncle Steve

Thursday, July 25, 2024



Some small towns are funny. The rest are just plain scary. I remember being in Batesville Arkansas once. They manufacture caskets there. As you pass by the town square, there are a dozen grizzled old men, retired casket-makers, that give you the hairy eyeball. There is a stop sign there, but its best just to roll right through it. I stopped off at the diner, where the owner needed more information about me than what I would have expected before he could serve me.
'Its not me, " he explained, "its the darn Chamber of Commerce. They don't want no tourists or college kids classin' up the place."
He told me that it was for that reason he couldn't get anything but frozen peas to serve with his Chicken Fried Steak.
"No fresh vegetables" they had told him, "Too delicious, people might come back"
None of it made any sense, even when he asked if I would like to buy his restaurant so he could get out of Batesvlle Arkansas.

It reminded me of a movie I saw long ago, "Wake In Fright" with Donald Pleasance. He played a schoolteacher who was stranded in a funny scary small town in the Australian outback, where they drank every night and everybody played a game with dice and no one could leave until they won the stupid game. Of course Pleasance never won, the movie ends with him sitting in the scorching sun, sucking on the barrel of a rifle and a single bullet in the chamber.

I just got back from passing through another town like this on my way to a private lake to fish and camp overnight.
The cashiers at the grocery where I stopped for ice and some hot dogs looked at me funny and said "From out of town aren't you?" and its not a question at all. As I passed through the town square there were familiar looking grizzled old men on the courthouse porch that didn't bother to look up from playing dominos. They knew I was there, they knew I was there since before I left the grocery store. I waved at the one who did look up, but he just spat some tobacco juice and stared right through me as I passed.

Later at the lake there is an eerie quiet and there are no fish, or fisherman, its just you on the lake and you feel a million eyes watching you.
The lady at the grocery store said there had been gators in the lake, and they called in a gator hunter and he pulled 23 out of there and thinks he got them all, but none of the locals will go near it. She says it like there is a deeper meaning, one you cannot quite discern, and you feel a chill go up your spine. You start to imagine that somewhere someone is building an altar of straw in the shape of an alligator, like the one in the movie "Hook" and you fight back the feeling you and that altar will have a lot in common around midnight. That you will be swallowed whole by a straw alligator, and then a mob of angry townspeople will come with pitchforks and torches and set the straw alligator afire.
And all you really wanted to do was catch a couple bass and cook some hot dogs over an open fire.

Trying to get a weather report on the car radio, it doesn't surprise you one bit when you find your car battery has died, or when the local deputy shows up just past dusk with a bottle of whiskey and a set of dice.
The next time you pass by a big 18 wheeler full of coffins, take a look at the tags.
I bet its from Batesville.

Saturday, July 06, 2024




All members are responsible for the wellbeing of NA. Individual recovery depends on regular safe meetings and other recovering addicts to provide support. There are certain fundamental principles that need to prevail in a group for it to function well in fulfilling its primary purpose. These are:

i. The importance of an atmosphere of recovery in NA meetings;

ii. The personal responsibility of all members to maintain that atmosphere;

iii. The need to refer to a group conscience for both identification of inappropriate behavior and the decisions regarding action;

iv. Principles before personalities in dealing with disruptive individuals.


Atmosphere of recovery in NA meetings

Recovery can be a delicate thing, it grows best in a stable and supportive environment. Each of us plays a part in maintaining stability. An atmosphere for recovery is vital so the primary purpose can be fulfilled.

If there is chaos, aggression, disruptive behavior, etc. it is likely to prevent our carrying the message of recovery.

  Personal responsibility of group members

Our common welfare requires personal commitment and responsible action to ensure a meeting is safe for all members. In pulling together we learn that we really are part of “something greater than ourselves” (Basic Text, Trad. 7, p.68). Some behavior, when addressed promptly, in an atmosphere of love and inclusion, may prevent escalation of actions considered to be disruptive behavior. All members

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should contact the Secretary, Alternate Secretary or Keyholder Coordinator with concerns regarding disruptive behavior, as quickly as possible after an incident has occurred.

The need to refer to a group conscience for both identification of inappropriate behavior and the decisions regarding action

The decision as to whether behavior is inappropriate or not should be made by group conscience. We all have different ideas about what constitutes “disruptive behavior” and this is where a group conscience is crucial to gain a consensus.

Every situation is different. It is very difficult to document specific examples of what constitutes “Disruptive Behavior”. Please discuss issues with a more experienced member, pray and consult the IP “Disruptive and Violent Behavior” when making the decision to address a member you feel is exhibiting disruptive behavior. Remember that the disruptive member is the “still suffering addict” too and we would prefer to resolve the situation without banning the member if at all possible. The following procedure is used to protect the welfare of other members and the group as a whole, not as a resolution of personal issues you may have with an individual member.

Examples of Disruptive Behavior include but are not limited to the following:

Obscenities or profanities directed toward another member;

Using discriminatory language or making generalizations about groups of people;

Describing sexual or violent acts or encounters in detail;

Aggressive or threatening behavior; physical and/or verbal threats;

Interrupting other people sharing;

Audible side conversations that make it difficult for others to hear the message;

Destruction or theft of Northside property (or neighbors within the business park);

        Other issues that could affect NA as a whole with regards to the outside community.

Principles before personalities in dealing with disruptive individuals.

There are many distracting influences that can divert us from our primary purpose’ and “each time our focus is diverted from our primary purpose, the addict seeking recovery loses out” (It Works, Trad. 5, p.161). We do not seek to expel disruptive ‘still suffering addicts’ from our meetings, but to demonstrate recovery, offer love and acceptance, and create and maintain firm boundaries to protect the environment and vulnerable members.


If a member is exhibiting “Disruptive Behavior” the following steps will be taken: 1) A) During the meeting Key holder addresses individual requesting the behavior cease (verbal caution); document incident and drop into safe or contact keyholder coordinator or group secretary to report details of incident.

B) Outside of meeting concerned members make a request that the behavior cease (verbal caution); contact keyholder coordinator or group secretary to report details of incident.

2) If behavior does not cease, is repeated or severity dictates a final warning by the group secretary will be given via talk or text or email.

3) Any incident that is to be addressed by Group Conscience/Emergency group conscience will be posted to the Group Conscience Idea Board according to Part I, Section 8.3.

4) Incident(s) will be addressed at Group Conscience (or Emergency group conscious if deemed necessary) to vote if the following corrective action will be implemented.

a. 90 day ban with appeal at first regular Group Conscious after at least 30 days have passed.

It is strongly recommended that the members who witnessed the disruptive behavior and the members involved in any warnings be present at the group conscience or emergency group conscience if at all possible.

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  Returning DURING the ban or after the ban period has passed.

If the member who has been banned shows up at Northside (inside or outside the meeting) or if the member continues to exhibit disruptive behavior after the ban period has passed, the following steps will be taken:

1) 2 members will request that the member leave (verbal caution). If the disruptive member does not leave after being asked the security guard will need to be called. In the event security does not respond or in the event the member becomes violent, call the police. Contact the keyholder coordinator or group secretary to report details of the incident.

2) Any incident that is to be addressed by Group Conscience/Emergency group conscience will be posted to the Group Conscience Idea Board or according to Part I, Section 8.

3) Incident(s) will be addressed at Group Conscience (or Emergency group conscious if deemed necessary) to vote if the following corrective action will be implemented.

a. One year ban with appeal at first regular Group Conscious after at least 90 days have passed.

4) If the member continues to show up at Northside (not abiding by the conscience of the group) then the landlord will be contacted and a peace bond will be requested for an indefinite period of time.


1) The date of the ban and name of the member will be posted on the inside of the supply cabinet in the coffee room in order to make sure the will of the group is carried out and the group is held accountable. 2) If a member who is banned is a trusted servant they will be asked to give up their key (if they have a key). The combination to the supply cabinet, safe cabinet and supply room (if the trusted servant knew that combination) will be changed.

3) If a member who is banned holds an elected position at Northside they will be resigned from that position and it will be posted for election at the next regular group conscience meeting.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



I tell you what awkward is.
Its going to babysit the kids while the X goes out with your ex-Best Friend and when she gets home she's drunk and talking about some drink called a Slippery Nipple made from Baileys and Kahlua, which she just happens to have right there in the kitchen,  slobbering and slurring "thanks you so much for being my good friend" while she's mixing up the drinks and the next thing you know you are sitting there on the couch with your ex and your lips are pressed against a Slippery Nipple.

Friday, June 21, 2024


 I went to a ZZ Top concert with my ex-wife and a good friend of ours, Lisa, in April of 2023.

The concert was great, we had a good time, being the best of friends for many years. This story is about the day after the concert in Gruene Texas. We went to a music venue that afternoon at Gruene Hall, a hill country landmark. Built in 1878, it has an amazing music history; its an open air big barn dance hall with a big patio. Good bands, good times, good beer.

At some point I notice the girls giggling and pointing to their phones, just the way girls do sometimes. Then they inform me they are going to the bathroom. When they come back, more giggling, more pointing to the phones. Then they excuse themselves saying they are “On a mission from God” and head to the patio. When they get back they are very excited.
Shila tells me, in hushed tones that they have spotted Elwood Francis, bass player for ZZ Top!
He is out on the patio, wearing red sneaker with a group of six!
Now these girls, Lisa and Shila, they are very excitable ladies that love to laugh it up. And they are thrilled that they have spotted Elwood.
They show me a picture of Elwood they have googled up, without his fake ZZ Top beard and hair.
"We are sure its him, but can you go take a look on the patio and see if you agree?” they ask. “But keep it on the lowdown, he probably wants his privacy.”

So I go out to the patio and spot the guy in the red sneakers and sure enough, he could be Elwood Francis, the bass player from ZZ top without his fake beard and hair.
I start to go in and make my report that yes, it could be him, but instead I just marched over to the table of six, gave them my best smile, leaned over the table and addressed the fellow in the red sneakers directly.
“Excuse me, I don’t want to intrude, but I was wondering if you might be Elwood Francis?”
He looked a bit confused.
“Elwood Francis”
“Who is Elwood Francis?”
“He’s the bass player for ZZ Top” I replied.
No sooner were the words out of my mouth that the table exploded with laughter!
“Why would you think that?” he asked.
“My Ex-wife and Lisa are in there convinced you are him. They sent me out here to find out.”
And the table erupts again in laughter. We are all seven of us laughing it up.
They ask me about the concert, and I ask them where they are from, and apologize for the intrusion and start to make my way back to the girls. I’m sure they will be disappointed.
I got about ten feet away and spun around and went back to the table.
I leaned over again and said “What do y’all think if I go tell the girls they are right , it IS Elwood, and if you want you can go get his autograph and take a few pictures”
Again the table erupts in laughter.

And so it begins. I report to the girls.
“Y’all were right. It IS Elwood!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I went up to the table and asked”
“You did not!”
“I sure did. And guess what? If y’all can keep it quiet you can come out and meet him. Maybe get a picture and an autograph”

I cannot describe how badly they were fan-girling. They had to run fix their hair and when they came back they were breathless, holding each other to keep from falling down.
We made our way to the table, and everyone at the table was laughing, and I was laughing, Shila and Lisa were fan-girling, and Elwood stood up and gave them hugs.
Then everyone started taking pictures and I couldn’t stop laughing, even though I was, deep inside, starting to wonder how and when to break it to the girls that it was all just one big funny joke, haha.

All this, after earlier in the day I had told Lisa and Shila how much the NA program had changed me. That I didn’t tell all the lies I used to tell, or misrepresent myself anymore, or make jokes out of other people.
“It’s OK to joke yourself, but it’s not OK to joke other people” I had said.

When we got back inside, they were still fangirling. They checked their cameras and discovered that they did not have a single picture of them with Elwood. There were a lot of pictures of the entire party, but what they wanted was one of the pics where they were draped over Elwood.
Me? I was laughing so hard the entire time I never took a picture
‘Can you go back out there and see if they have a pic they can send us?” and Shila gave me her business card with her number and Email to give to them.
So I went back out. When I got to their table they were still laughing their asses off.

I leaned over the table again, but on the end away from Elwood, closer to the three women.
“Y’all wouldn’t believe how crazy excited they are. They want you to send some of the pics with just Elwood and them, and any other good ones” and gave them Shilas card.
Then I addressed the three ladies.
“What I want to know is when do I break it to them that it wasn’t really Elwood?”
All three at once said one word:

(To be continued)

Elwood Francis, without his "Fake Beard"