We have a legend and an artifact down at my NA Group. The
artifact is a mop handle with a white towel hanging from the wall. The legend
is that one day a recovering addict was wanting to use. He called his sponsor. “What
should I do?” he asked.
“Where are you ?” asked the sponsor.
“I’m at Precinct Line and the freeway”
“There is a Target store there, yes?”
“Pull in to the Target parking lot and park”
“Ok Done”
“Now go into the store, to the household aisle”
“OK, I’m there”
“Grab a mop handle and a white cleaning towel.”
“Go to the register and pay”
“All paid”
“Now go outside and tie the white towel to the end of the mop handle”
“Got it”
“Now go out to the corner of Precinct Line and the freeway, wave your flag and
yell “I surrender”.
So he went out to the busy intersection and followed his
“I surrender, I surrender, I surrender” he hollered, waving
his flag.
His sponsor asked him “So now, do you still want to use?”
In all the excitement, he had forgotten all about using…
We say surrender is the key. And following instructions, surrenders baby brother.
Sorrily, the white towel and mop handle was misplaced when we painted a while back. I wish we still had it.