Back when I first got on FB, and there were all my sisters
old pals; Suzi, Carol, Susan S, and Maureen O. And I’d leave a
comment now and then about an old girlfriend from 1972 who had moved away. I’d say (imagine a
really whiny voice) “Where is Rhonda? Why? Why is Rhonda not here on FB? Y’all have
to find her for me.” They would laugh at me and say they lost track of her, maybe she was still in Phoenix, or Utah, and what was her married name?
And for a year or two, I’d ask about her every now and then, in as whiny a
voice as I could without whiny voice font. Really, I’d just liked to have known that she was OK, and I
wanted them to know I had not forgotten about Rhonda I.
But after two or three years of this, I changed my tack. I
started pretending I was mad at her (in my mad whiny voice).
“Forget about us finding Rhonda! Why is she not LOOKING FOR
US! We are all right here, just waiting for her to show up!”
And they would all laugh at me and promise they would look for her.
Then-- after six years of asking about her-- about three years ago Susan S sends
me a message. She has found her, and there is a pic of her in a white sweater,
waving, and she had a black beret on, and I’d have recognized her anywhere.
Susan said “She is still in Phoenix!” and I just got the
feeling that was that, and really shouldn’t ask a bunch of questions. I was
satisfied to see this pic, and to think that she was doing well.
It prompted me to write this story about her bracelet I gave her, the going steady bracelets all the boys gave to the girls they loved.
So another two years go by, and I’m at a bar last year and Carol
is there.
I’m talking with her, and I say “Hey guess what I got?”
“What do you have Steve?”
“I’ve got a picture of Rhonda from a couple years ago! Susan
found her!”
I said it like I was bragging, like I was something special.
Carol says “That’s nothing. I see her all the time on Facebook!”
So now I’m all set for my imagination to start running wild.
Why didn’t Susan tell me? How is it everybody is friends with Rhonda except for
me? Maybe she's hated me for 49 years.
but no, Rhonda could never have a bitter heart. So I went looking for her on FB. It wasn’t easy. Didn’t know her last name.
I can’t see Carols FB page because she blocked me years ago. I’m way too
liberal. I voted for Reagan twice and Bush three times, I like less government control
mostly and own 4 guns, but I’m a whacked out Liberal. And on Susan’s page, I
cant find any Rhonda’s. Finally, I get a brainstorm. I’ve got my sisters log
in, so I go to her page and look at Carols page.
There she is on Carols page.
So now I have to figure out what I want to do. Should I friend her, even though my overall gut feeling from
Susan is that she isn't looking for new friends? Or should I just go ahead and inflict myself upon her!
I went back and forth for a long time. Part of me said, like
Rick said in Casablanca “If she can stand it so can I” and another part said “Stop
being so weird and overthinking this thing. If she doesn’t want to be friends,
she’s a big girl and just wont accept the request. It really is just that easy!”
I tell you what. If it wasn’t for COVID, and all the
isolation, it might have taken me a lot longer to contact her. But she accpted the request that same day. She seemed delighted to be found. Its been such
fun chatting it up, getting reaquainted, and being able to trade gifts. And a blessing too!
And that’s the story of how I finally came to send Rhonda a
friend request months after having located her, and years after whining to her
friends that they must find Rhonda for me.
One big question I had for Rhonda was whether she remembered
a poster she gave me in 1972. It hung on my wall long after she moved to
Phoenix. There is no way she could know how much the poster had burned itself
into my psyche, and how it had seemed to be the theme of my whole life, and got
me through the numerous heartbreaks I’ve had, and love found and lost, and
found again.
It took my breath a little when she replied "I wondered if you would remember"
Amazing. You can still buy the exact same poster after all
these years.