Friday, July 28, 2023


 The January H&I Meeting was held January 17th at 1:30 pm. This coincided quite awkwardly with the Cowboys kick-off time of 12 noon for the divisional playoff game, so on Friday I sent an Email to the H&I Secretary that read:

“It is quite likely that I will be experiencing car trouble on the way to the meeting Sunday and might be late, if “car trouble” means “the Cowboy Game” and “might be late” means “don’t hold your breath”.


So here are the Top Ten reasons that I should have gone to the H&I Meeting on Sunday, instead of watching the Cowboys: 



Top Ten reasons that I should have gone to the H&I Meeting:

10) It would have been the “next right thing to do”.

 9) Shawn G. was there with his report from Springwood. He can no longer be considered “Gone Rogue”. It had been so long, no one knew him.

 8) The new “Guidelines for H&I Service” were accepted and voted in.

 7) Lynn J at the Avalon Correctional Facility is in need of a Co-chair, and Cleve needs a Co-Chair at McFadden Ranch

 6)  Concept #4 :”Effective leadership is highly valued in Narcotics Anonymous. Leadership qualities should be carefully considered when selecting trusted servants.” So, here I am.

 5) Concept 6. “Group conscience is the spiritual means by which we invite a loving God to influence our decisions.” The Cowboys and I  could have used some of that.

 4)  “What do you do with 5 Gallons of leftover Rotel , a dozen helium filled Cowboy balloons, and plane tickets to New Orleans for the Super Bowl… Make Lemonade?

 3) “Working in service is one of the most satisfying things about recovery.”

 2) Minnesota 35, Dallas 3

 And the #1 reason I should have gone to the H&I Meeting…

1) The indelible image burned into my brain of Kat B dry-humping a horrified Mike M (he is gay). in front of the TV on Angela’s Living Room Floor.

 And that is my report.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023


For David K at Live and Learn, who has walked 1100 plus (almost) consecutive days at the nicest little park you would ever want to see. But they have erected another kayak stand, which obscures one of the wonderful views at this particular park of Dave's. 

Be thankful you don’t have any Muscovy ducks. Or don’t seem to. There are no pics you’ve posted of Muscovy's, and probably for good reason. It is one ugly duck. Now I don’t have anything against one ugly duck, I’m a kind person and not that good looking myself. On a duck by duck basis, I’m sure they are fine animals and worthy of love, or affection even. But as a group they can be rather disturbing. We have them in the parks down here. They are like duck gangbangers. They like to hang out at walkway intersections, panhandling for crumbs. 
There is usually a leader of the duck gang, you can tell by the leather jacket and cigarette butt slouching out of the corner of his mouth. If you don’t give them crumbs, they will follow you, squawking and in increasing numbers as you walk along, and you find yourself wondering which one might be packing heat. Its very disconcerting, threatening even.
I would trade these ducks for a kayak stand any day!

Thursday, July 06, 2023


Hi ******!
Your mom is doing pretty good, all things considered. She's had like 6 surgery’s in 4 months, and now after getting the kidney removed she finds out she has a hernia and will probably need ANOTHER surgery next in April. I don't know how she does it.

Hope you are hanging in down there. I have a good friend in Henley, you should keep an eye out for her. Her name is ******, but she goes by Grace. That's like her "Jail" name or something. When I first came to NA she was one of the darlings of the group. Had 8-10 years clean I think. She had this wonderful story about herself and finding self-worth. Then she relapsed. And relapsed again. Went to jail, relapsed, then went to jail again, and now she is hoping
to get out this summer.

Me? I used for like 35 years and never got in trouble (with the law). but I burned my good life down I don’t know how many times. Then finally the law caught me.
I asked the guy I got busted with what was going to happen.
"Oh, its no big deal" he says "They'll give you 2 years, but you'll only do 6 months"
I'm like "NO BIG DEAL?" What are ya talking about? I am not a prison guy. I won't do well in there."
So the state gave me a program where if I stayed clean a year I wouldn’t have to go to prison. The big surprise for me was that I COULD stay clean. After 6 months I wasn’t just doing it. I was digging it. I didn’t expect that. I half figured I'd stay clean a year, then go back to using. Anyway, I don't wanna preach to ya, but I thought I'd send you a note and tell you to look for Grace. I sent her a note to look for you.
I'm very blessed. I have no idea what its like down there.
Peace to ya *****,

Steve r

Wednesday, July 05, 2023


Unreciprocated romantic attraction was explored by comparing narrative accounts. Unrequited love emerged as a bilaterally distressing experience marked by mutual incomprehension and emotional interdependence. Would-be lovers looked back with both positive and intensely negative emotions, whereas rejectors were more uniformly negative in their accounts. Unlike rejectors, would-be lovers believed that the attraction had been mutual, that they had been led on, and that the rejection had never been communicated definitely. Rejectors depicted themselves as morally innocent but still felt guilty about hurting someone; many rejectors depicted the would-be lover's persistent efforts as intrusive and annoying. Rejectors constructed accounts to reduce guilt, whereas disappointed lovers constructed them to rebuild self-esteem. Rejectors saw would-be lovers as self-deceptive and unreasonable; would-be lovers saw rejectors as inconsistent and mysterious.