Saturday, November 28, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
"When Moses, at the burning bush, says to God, “Who are you?” God says to him three words: “Hayah asher hayah.” And those words are mistranslated in English as “I am that which I am.” But in Hebrew, it means “I will be who or how or where I will be,” meaning, don’t think you can predict me. I am a God who is going to surprise you. And one of the ways God surprises us is by letting a Jew or a Christian discover the trace of God’s presence in a Buddhist monk or a Sikh tradition of hospitality or the graciousness of Hindu life. You know, don’t think we can confine God into our categories. God is bigger than religion."
Posted by
12:35 PM
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
“I’ve served worse shit”.
Posted by
1:31 PM
I had a dream a few nights ago. It must have been about a telescope, but the only thing I could remember was seeing text, as if on a page in a book which read:
"The old king said: What marvelous kind of glass could this be to build such a machine?"
As dreams go, it wasnt earth shattering, but it woke me up enough to consciously think to myself that its not the glass so much, its just the shape of the glass. Glass is glass.
But I hoped to remember the dream, and I did. It was the first thing to spring to mind the next morning, and I pondered its meaning all day.
I guess it don't mean nuthin'.
But I'm sitting here this morning, and I suddenly realize I had a REALLY GREAT dream last night. One that jarred me fully awake.
One that tempted me to actually get up and write it down.
It was surely to be one of the more important dreams of my long life, and I was sure because of that I would be able to remember it completely.
But the fact is I cant remember it all all. Not the least little bit.
I can only remember that I had it, and hope that I might someday have it again and be able to recognize it.
Don't you just hate that?
Posted by
7:59 AM
Friday, November 20, 2015
the recurring lines from the following quote: “The stars we are given.
The constellations we make. That is to say, stars exist in the cosmos,
but constellations are the imaginary lines we draw between them,
the readings we give the sky, the stories we tell.”
The inspiration for this came from a post I’ve seen floating around
by an immigration lawyer, talking about how hard it is to get into
the USA through the refugee program. He said that he had a
client that had lied about her age. and the poem sprang up in my
mind from there.
They say the House has passed a bill that would require the
DHS, NIS and FBI to "certify" these refugee's as not being ISIS before
they come into the country. I'm all for the new legislation. I hope the
president doesn’t veto it. Maybe then the FBI director will get off his ass,
get a team together, and stop whining about how impossible it is.
I saw a picture of a man with a kid on each hip coming ashore in
Greece. He looked pretty worried, a face full of care, desperate to
get his kids to safety. I cant guarantee he wasn't ISIS.
You want a Guarantee? Go to Best Buy.
But if I was in charge, and someone showed me that picture
I'd sign off on him. On the spot.
I guess thats what the poem is about.
Posted by
1:42 PM
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Janis: Jesus has the only accurate frame of reference if you believe he was and is God. He is not caught off guard by anything.
Tom: What Bulletholes said.
Janis: God is mind blowing. Other. Supernatural. Not like what masquerades as religion.
Bulletholes: So, since Christ, being Christ, knew about the Muslims and could not be caught off guard, did he leave us any specific instructions regarding them?
Janis: Yes. Lots. Too many for this setting. All in the Bible
Posted by
12:42 PM
Friday, November 13, 2015
I don’t quite recall.
When I was a kid I would go open the drawer and look at the stuff, and mom or grandma would tell me how dads army issue pocket bible, with the inscription in the front by President Roosevelt, had been lost when he was in the war, but someone found it in a field in France and sent it to his parents at the address in the book.
I’m assuming that was in November of 1945 when it was found. When they sent it they mightn’t have known if dad was dead or alive. I like that Mr. Bryant, who found dad's bible, put “Texas” in quotation marks.
I wonder about Mr. Bryant, who was from England, and what he was doing in a field in southern France. I wonder what he looked like, what kind of work he did when he was not in a field in southern France. In my minds eye I see him, as you must be seeing him now, wiping the sweat from his brow after stacking English hay somewhere near Lancashire, or bouncing great-grandchildren on his knee, telling them what he had done, and about the bible he found from "Texas" in the great World War II.
It’s cool to still have this bible of my dads from World War II. I keep in in a drawer with my medicine, and an old Cameo necklace and ear rings dad sent home from Italy; some of dads old cufflinks, moms pearls, and an old bullet that came from somewhere.
Posted by
12:39 PM
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Battle Monument at West Point
The idea of the Battle Monument at West Point was first conceived in 1863 to honor the fallen soldiers of the Regular Army in the Civil War of the United States of America. Money was raised through contributions from officers, and through $1.00 deductions from regular soldiers pay.
In total, $45,000 was raised and construction was to begin in 1865.
Finally, in 1890, construction began.
The shaft is 41 feet in length. Including the lower and upper pedestals, and the statue of the angel “Fame” at the top, the monument rises 75 feet high. The shaft weighs 72 tons.
Surrounding the monument are 16 cannon, and 8 granite plinths. Plinths are the big polished granite balls.
The names, it might be noted, are all from The Union Army, and nowhere to be found at the Battle Monument is a Confederate Flag. Not a one.
Posted by
12:14 PM
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
The Great Starbucks Outrage of 2015
"The truth is that in a week we won’t recall why we were all wasting time over it...
Outrage Wisely"
The Slate
Posted by
10:04 AM
Friday, November 06, 2015
From Carson’s book "You Have A Brain" January 2015
Dr. Ben Carson to Charlie Rose, October 2015
Step Three begins the testing. In addition to timed ACT and SAT academic testing (which you are urged to take numerous times as your scores will improve) you have to pass physical testing for strength and endurance. It is rigorous, and many do not pass muster. From those who pass these tests, and hold up to boards of review and multiple interviews, the best of the best are selected to become cadets and start a Military career at West Point. There is no scholarship offer. There is no tuition. The government pays in full for room and board and the education and training to become an officer in the United States Army.
I don't know the percentage of applicants that are finally accepted into the Academy. The admissions site does say that of the thousands that apply, only a few are chosen. So when Dr. Carson says General Westmoreland offered him a full scholarship at the Point, I for one believe him.
When my brother graduated in 1964, Westmoreland was Superintendent of the Academy. I actually met him, and shook his hand.
Posted by
11:18 PM
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
For most people the ant farm is a great memory.
But it was a major disappointment for me.
The ants didn’t wear bandannas and straw hats, or drive tractors like in the picture. They just dug tunnels down into some dirt that you could see a side view of, like when Kratts brothers spy in on a duck-billed platypus.
But an ant is a long ways from a duck-billed platypus, and after about three weeks the whole thing started to stink and mom made me throw it away.
Posted by
2:21 PM
In 2010, Obama made a number of political compromises while still trying to pursue many of the reforms laid out during his 2008 campaign. Also, he was a totalitarian monster comparable to the perpetrator of one of the worst genocides in history.
He is either a president who passed a comprehensive health care measure despite staunch opposition from powerful private interests, or a radical-Islamist sympathizer bent on systematically dismantling American democracy and eradicating all human liberty.
He either lowered taxes for most Americans while failing to communicate that effectively, or he is pure evil. Whichever.
Barack Obama, two of the most important people of 2010: the one who was elected to be president of the
Posted by
9:37 AM