Friday, September 13, 2019


I had a dentist appointment yesterday. Just a check up and cleaning with my favorite dentist of 30 years now. I call him Dr Death, but he is one competent dentist with an ouitstanding sense of humor, who gives you sunglasses to wear while you are under that bright ass light.
I asked him “Can you get me Joe Biden’s teeth?”
Dr Death said “Steve, you don’t want Joe's teeth. He is using radioactive isotopes as tooth polish. In a few years, except for his teeth, he will be unrecognizable”
“But Doc, I got to do something about these teeth. My entire generation is quickly realizing that while it was our HAIR that used to get us laid, now its our TEETH. Isn’t it time to just pull them all and give me dentures so I can look like Pierce Brosnan the way all my other over 60 friends are doing?”
“You aren’t there yet” said Dr Death.
"When will it come to that?" I asked
He said "About 40 years"
"OK" I said "You'll still be here, yes? Can I go ahead and schedule?"

1 comment:

SL said...

Ha! You don't want Joe Biden's teeth, they are kind of scary.