Thursday, January 30, 2020


Would you believe I watched the Bachelor last night? There was some girl who had done something wrong the night before., I don't know what she did, but all the other girls were on her ass.
They were mean to her.
"You dont deserve him" they said. "You need to grow up" they screamed. One of them asked her straight up, and not too kindly "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?"
I dont know what she had done. Maybe strip mining the Grand Canyon, pouring hot tea on the Greenland Ice Cap, or maybe she is a Trump supporter. I dont know, they never did say, but it got to be the end of the show and time to give out the roses.
Do you think she got a rose?
Yes, she did! He forgave her, whatever it was.
She was SO afraid he was going to ditch her.
You should have seen how relieved she was!
I cant wait for next week.
I cried like a baby.

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