Sunday, December 23, 2012


Strangest thing happened to me last night. I was watching "Its a Wonderful life", like I do every year and you know the part at the end where George Bailey throws himself in the river?
That’s not the end of the movie!
I've watched that movie  a million times, and like everybody else, cried like a baby at the end. But it wasn't really the end. I was turning it off too soon!

I guess I like it better with the weird new happy ending, with the surprise appearance of  Clarence Osgood, Angel Second Class, who tells George Bailey :
"Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings"
Its pretty close.
 I mean, I always thought it was a pretty good movie, what with George saving his brothers life;  and then he and Mary dancing in the High School gym, and the floor opens up and they fall into the pool; they get married, pop out a couple kids, then George throwing himself off the bridge into that icy water. That's not a bad way to go for a guy that's facing 20 years, is it?

“You’ve been given a great gift, George: A chance to see what the world would be like without you.” 
Clarence Osgood, Angel Second Class


red dirt girl said...

Hey cowboy .... another year, another Merry Christmas. We really must stop meeting like this ;-) You know I wish for you all kinds of good stuff: love and furry little puppies and a sexy redhead or ...just plain sexy who rocks your world and loves you right back. This is our 6th Christmas together. And you just keep improving with age - how DO you DO that? Bottle it. It will make you millions.

hugs and xxx

bulletholes said...

Merry Christmas Red!