Monday, February 24, 2020


There is a scene in “Dancing With Wolves” that made me wonder about what it was like to have to rely upon a bow and arrow as a weapon.
It’s the scene where the band of Indians kills Timmons, the wagon driver. It’s a brutal scene and requires half a dozen arrows into his abdomen and several minutes of agony before he expires. The scene demonstrates that unless an arrow pierces the heart, it could take quite some time to die.
It made me wonder how many arrows it would take to kill a buffalo. And I found my answer yesterday in a TYWKIWDBI post.
Unlike most mammals a buffalo doesn’t have a right and left lung; the lung of a buffalo is a single unit and once pierced, death comes fairly quickly.
Another reason to read TYWKIWDBI.…/buffalo-chest-and-american-…

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