Thursday, February 13, 2020


For Valentine’s Day I could talk about all the girls I’ve fallen in love with, or repost the poem about how I fall in love just about every day . With the whole human race. Or I could talk about the month long Tour Of Duty I did with Online Dating, that ended when I asked a girl if she really wanted to be Number Seven this month and she said “YES!”.
I’m just not built for that.
I could talk about Valley’s Day in general, how it started back in Roman days, when Caesar or somebody decided to outlaw marriage. There was a Cardinal that continued to pair people up in an underground ceremony, breaking the law and the Emperor's rule. The Cardinal was eventually found out, imprisoned and when he would not confess, bow down and promise not to do any more marriage ceremonies, Caesar had him crucified.
The Cardinals name was Valentine.

But I guess I’d rather talk about my first love.
We were only four years old, and we took swim lessons and tap dancing lessons together and she was in my Sunday School Class too.
She was the daughter of a Preacherman. Her name was Teddy, she had short and curly
Chestnut hair, just long enough to put into cute little Pigtails. Her eyes were blue, like her swimsuit, which also had little flowers on it. She wore black leotards to our tap dancing class, and I hate to say it but I wore them too.
Sometimes when Mom and I went to the store we would see her and her Mom.
Every time we went anywhere, I would always hope that we would see Teddy.
I always looked forward to seeing Teddy at the pool for swim lessons.

Had it not been for Teddy being at tap dance lessons, which I cried all the way to and from, I would have cried the whole way through those classes, in front of all those little girls.
The only boy in the class, crying like a baby in his black leotard and tap shoes
I kept it together for Teddy in particular.

Maybe that is what love is on some simple level...always hoping to see someone and keeping it together for them when you do.

Painting by Jay Wilkinson.
That’s not me and Teddy, its my daughter, Jay’s sister, and my son who liked his tap dancing costume better than I did.

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