Wednesday, March 18, 2020


You know what I've discovered? I touch everything all the time. If I sit down in a chair and there's a chair next to me I have to reach over and touch it and see what it feels like. If there's a chair in front of me I have to reach up and run my fingers across the top of the chair just to see how it feels. I ask myself "Are my hands sensitive enough to feel that bit of chipped paint?"
The round trash can next to the door I just came through? How can I not rub the top of it. Its got gravity. Its like the curve of the moon.
That pillow, the loaf of bread, the coin return on the vending machine, these and a million other things waiting to be poked.
All those buttons that need mashin’.
If I'm in line at the grocery store and they got the magazines there I have to reach over and touch one of them to see how glossy the cover really is. Today its Scarlett Johanesson on the cover. Simply irrestible. Then I have to touch the metal rail at the cashier's stand to check out the texture and the temperature.
Will it feel cool to the touch?
Man I got to know.
I friggin touch everything.
Here I am, touching the whale. As our reknown Captain Ahab says “He tasks me; he heaps me.”
Do I ever touch my face? Man I don't even want to know.

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