Friday, June 24, 2011


An article in the Huffington Post says that you should not have sex until you are ready, and that there is a connection between sex-to-soon and divorce.

I was ready in the 9th grade. The urge to mate and drive a car was overwhelming. Finally, I snuck out the parents car one night and went to a window I knew where if you knocked on it a girl would crawl out.
Kind of a "Two birds-One stone" thing.
I thought it would be my lucky night!
But when I got back home, I was still a virgin and every light in the house was on.
I've only been divorced once.


Anonymous said...

I love that last sentence. It totally makes the story. Yr pal, UF Mike

Martijn said...

One out of two ain't a bad score. Hey, Mike! Or should I say "Dr. Livingstone I pressume?" hê hê.

bulletholes said...

I like the part where I came home and every light in the house was on. There was a lot of angst that night.