Friday, June 12, 2009


Read all about how to handle the Cutover.
(click here)


cornbread hell said...

i have handled The Change in my own inimitable way...i started watching what little tv i watch via the intornet. on hulu and pbs, etc.

my television set now serves as a mirror (a kinda dark one) by day and as a valet for my clothes at night.

i kinda like it.

cornbread hell said...
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cornbread hell said...
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cornbread hell said...

dangnabit. i'm really sorry about that, mr. holes.

those were all the same comment, but my ineptitude got in the way.

soubriquet said...

another victim of the one fingered mistyping brigade ...

my sympathies.

cornbread hell said...

hey. how do you know i can't mistype with more than one finger?

(learn spanish for free... i don't know about over there in the fort, but channel 44 is still working in big d. and it's almost hilarious.)