Thursday, June 21, 2012


"Looking at the stars always makes me dream, as simply as I dream over the black dots representing towns and villages on a map.

Why, I ask myself, shouldn’t the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France?
Just as we take a train to get to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to reach a star. We cannot get to a star while we are alive any more than we can take the train when we are dead. So to me it seems possible that cholera, tuberculosis and cancer are the celestial means of locomotion. Just as steamboats, buses and railways are the terrestrial means.
To die quietly of old age would be to go there on foot."
Vincent van Gogh

And Anita has pointed the way to actually travel on a roller coaster called a "Euthansia Machine".
What a way to go!


goatman said...

What a machine but ,no thanks,I would rather go out on a hit of smack and save the construction costs. Thankee anyway . . .

bulletholes said...

Or you could cap one off, then hit the Coaster. like he says...
“the ultimate roller coaster is built when you send out twenty-four people and they all come back dead. This could be done, you know.”

Marvelous! Hey Goatman!

red dirt girl said...

Ummm....I think I'm with goatman on this one. I don't experience euphoria on a rollercoaster. I experience terror!!

The most pleasurable experience that I can think of is having an orgasm. The french call it La Petite Mort ~ the little death. Yep. I'd rather die mid-orgasm.

Just saying ....

bulletholes said...

OK, lets do it!

goatman said...

Good One!!!~~~~~~~~~~~

red dirt girl said...

she grins saucily .....
